Camp Fundraising dream list
Reflections on the importance of formal debate as a means of sanctification and being salt and light
Help us Transition to a Non-Profit
Dr. Mark Armitage Las Cruces Tour! (2023)
Why expository preaching makes healthy churches
Engage Truth Student Summer Camp 2023
Worldview Survey for El Paso & Las Cruces Students in 2022
Dr. Barrick responds to Dr. Heiser on the Flood
Quotes from Church History on Scripture, the Gospel & more
Why reject the primacy of the Pope?
Defending the 5 Solas of the Reformation
A Flood of Evidence Conference
The El Paso Creation Network
List of all Engage Resources
Ehrman's Errors on the New Testament Canon
The Question of Canon: A Book Review
If you don't affirm this, then...
Engaging with others about the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus!
Grand Canyon Trip 2022
Getting the most out of an Engage Intensive Class