Saturday, Feb 26th--> Creation Conference day!
Watch the conference promo video here.
To see Dr. Armitage's full El Paso Tour info, click here.
Register for the Sat conference in this link here.
Time: 10am-2pm (mountain time).
Location: Coronado Baptist Church (CBC) at the 520 building (across the street from 501 Thunderbird Dr, El Paso, TX 79912)
Lunch: We plan to provide lunch with the Creation Network funds for everyone. To make sure there is enough food for everyone we need everyone to register by Feb. 21st or earlier. We will order the Chick Fil La catering boxes per person.
Full Schedule:
Green: fellowship, booths and/or lunch
Blue: Presentation by Dr. Armitage
Yellow: Kid related items
9am- Set ups of booths and registration table
9:15am- registration begins, door open and ministry booths
9:45am- parents can take kids over to Children's building on main campus across the street (near portable one).
Kids will watch several videos on Dinosaurs, Dino national park, & the flood by ICR and Awesome Science and participate in interactive activities about dinosaurs- Led by Jennifer Gomez, Annette Vanderzwan and Krystle Loza
10:00- booths in the 520 building
10:15am- Conference starts: worship and conference intro (520 building)
10:30am- Dr. Armitage presentation (From Dinosaur Soft Tissue Research Institute)- "The Secrets of Dimetrodon."
12-12:45pm- Lunch and booths
lunch- Chick Fil La boxes
Bring children over to the main building to eat lunch and see bones. Children (1-5 grade) back to the building after lunch.
12:45-1:15pm- 30-40 min presentation- DSTRI on the bench" with Dr. Armitage
Hear about exciting new research and discoveries with DSTRI
1:15-2pm- Q & A with Dr. Armitage
2pm- clean up crew.
Will there be nursery available?
Unfortunately the CBC nursery staff isn't available to work that day, so we won't be able to offer nursery during the event. If you would like to attend and need childcare for your 0-5 year old, you can note that on the registration form and we will email you about free childcare that is available close to the church building with Kendra Harrelson and Tobie Johnson. If you plan to bring an infant that needs a nap, please bring a pack-n-play and needed personal supplies and diapers.
Elementary class: As noted above, we plan to have a children's class with interactive lessons on creation science, games and lunch at the main children's building (1st-5th grade age). We plan for the Children will be able to go see the Dinosaur bones during the lunch hour when they go to the 520 building. Also, your elementary age kids are more than welcome to sit with you during Dr. Armitage's presentation at the Crossing at the 520 building at Coronado Baptist Church.
Registration: Please register yourself and your kids for the conference here. Registration deadline for food is Feb. 21st.
Want to support the Creation Network or sponsor a student for the Dinosaur bone labs?
Click here to see how you can donate to Engage Apologetics to help support the El Paso Creation Network (EPCN).
We can't wait to see you at the Creation conference at Coronado Baptist!